The Paso Fino endurance horse community is fairly small. There just aren't many of us out there competing our horses. Less than 10 of us? Or at least, as best as I can tell, less than 10 of us who pay to submit our mileage to the breed association. There probably ARE others who are out there doing it, but have decided to not pay the organization for the annual competition. Which is really the ONLY way for your horse to get credit on it's pedigree that it does endurance.
But THAT is a rant for another day I'm afraid. And one I can be rather long-winded about; full of me learning about the shortcomings of my breed organization for those horses NOT in the show pen.
Anyway. Because our community is so small, most all of us are friends on Facebook. I see one of the top Paso riders at my rides because he's here in my region. And, he has probably the ONLY current 100 mile Paso Fino. There are other Pasos who HAVE done 100's, but for this year, I KNOW he is the only one with a 100 beneath his cinch.
He helped coach me through my first 50. Literally stuck with Strider and I and made SURE we crossed that finish line. It's one of my favorite pictures. Yes, we turtled the ride, but it's Paso and Paso. And that Paso of his is AMAZING!! I've never seen anything like it.
So, as I was saying...our community is small. We are all passionate advocates for our breed. Some more than others. But, months ago I was approached by the longest riding Paso Fino endurance rider to see IF PFHA offered a national endurance ride (to be held in tandem with the Arabian Horse Association's National Endurance Ride), if I would attend.
I told her, I would certainly give it a shot depending on when and where.
I am an advocate of putting your money where your mouth is. I've complained long and loud that I feel far to often we "Recreational Riders" don't get the recognition we should from the breed organization. When, in reality, those of us out on trails and competing with our horses against other breeds are doing MORE good for our breed than the sewing-machine Fino horses in a show pen competing against other sewing-machine Fino horses. The only people who attend those shows are typically other Paso owners. And, a Fino is CRAP for trail riding or pleasure riding, which is what MOST horse owners are in this economy. They want a multi-use horse. One that can go down a trail on one day, and the next day pop into some kind of speed event like pole bending and do well at it. Then the next weekend compete in a trail competition. The Paso Fino does such things. But, if we members aren't willing to SHOW the breed organization that, then the breed organization isn't going to support us. And how do we show our interest? With our money.
It was with my money that I stopped being a member for years and years. To show my displeasure.
However, they "got me" in that if you want points to show on your horses' record, you MUST be a member. Gotcha! So, I rejoined.
So, a month or so ago, I got a Facebook message asking me again, if it was put on, would I go? I said, yes. I will do whatever I can to make sure I can attend.
PFHA hasn't confirmed that they WILL do it this year. But, if so, in October Strider, Dakini, B and I will be making the long haul to Idaho and the Teeter Ranch.
Well, that's assuming I can get both horses successfully through 2 50 mile rides each. As I'm not riding to Top 10, I'm just riding for miles, I feel this is something we can do.
Strider will be 11. Dakini will be 10. Both are fully mature horses. Allowed plenty of time to grow. Now it's a matter of laying the rest of that base on Dakini and getting her through her 50's. Strider I know can do them. He does them here. And the 50's I have planned for Dakini will be easy to get her through as well.
However, prepping both of them for a more challenging ride? Well, guess I need to start picking the brains of various friends and fellow Paso owners to see what I can do for them. I think once I have hoof boots in place, we'll be going to some of the more hilly places to condition. McKinney Roughs, for a dedicated drive, I'll happily do the 3ish hours to Cleburn and the Six O Ranch. Maybe some other places as well. Just got to get back on to the trimming on my end so we can do the hoof boots.
Because I want to get out there and show just what my breed is capable of doing. And we're capable of doing this!
Riding Goal: Trying to keep the horse between myself and the ground. Generally successful. Usually. Most of the time.
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Emails to the PFHA Executive Committee
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