I'm pretty bad with ride write ups! But, FINALLY here is part 1 of my "Armadillo Run" write up!
Thursday was a fast run to Tractor Supply to get a gallon of Kaolin Pectin, more CMPK, 2 square bales and a bale of alfalfa for Armadillo Run.
Thursday was a fast run to Tractor Supply to get a gallon of Kaolin Pectin, more CMPK, 2 square bales and a bale of alfalfa for Armadillo Run.
Socks was brought up Wednesday night to begin his electrolyte protocol. He's so laid back that I can dump the mix into his beet pulp/grain "tea" (it's more water than food) and he'll lick the pan/bucket clean.
Thursday, repeat.
Now, I waffled back and forth Thursday evening evening, should I pen him up, making it easier to load and go Friday morning? Or let him have the freedom of movement and stay with his herd overnight.
I opted to do the best thing for my horse, and left him out.
Now, Thursday was our wedding anniversary, but I pretty much warned Joe, I was going to be busy with horse stuff all night long. Because, as we all probably know at this point, I'm a professional at procrastinating. Which means the tack/changing room in my trailer was STILL a mess. And that's where I sleep. So, I HAD to get it cleaned out. I did NOT want to do that on Friday once I got to ride camp. I was done with that before 9pm, and even moved my big tack trunk to the barn after grabbing 2 blankets out that I thought I -might- need at camp. FYI-I didn't need them.
So, early to bed so I could be up early Friday morning. I still needed to hook up to the truck in the morning, but I had it loaded with my clothes and blankets and such.
Got up, loaded the last few things and took my final pre-ride shower. It was still dark at 5am as I was loading the last few things into the truck and then hooking up to the trailer. At 6, I headed out looking for the horses. I know they're out in the back pasture as I hadn't seen them out front. I grabbed a flashlight and, I saw Zurkh's form gleaming as he laid in the grass. I couldn't resist going over to him and snuggling him for a few minutes. He was quite content to lay there as Tilly wandered over, wanting to know what I was doing to "my Zurkh". He then told me he wanted to get up, so I moved, while sweeping my flashlight around, looking for 1 or 2 dark forms.
Nothing. So I kept walking.
And walking.
More walking.
At this point, I figured I would be better off to just go grab the ATV with its bright lights and come back to look. Except, I see, tucked behind Tilly (who had followed me some of the way), 4 high whites. SOCKS. *sigh*
I ask aloud "Okay, so where is Strider guys?" And there he is, that SUPER dark spot between Tilly and Zurkh. Horses. Sometimes I think they're jokesters at my expense.
As always, get Socks loaded quickly (he's such a saint), and hit the road.
Now, I realize as I'm fixing to leave, Socks USUALLY is ridden in bell boots. Now, H had bought me 2 rubber gum ones, but they're size large. I hadn't tried him on them yet, so went to go through my tack trunk to see if I could scrounge up a pair of his bell boots.
I found 1. Not useful. Considered stopping and getting him a pair....and then...didn't. Trust your instincts. They're not wrong. But, I was trying to do this ride on the cheap, and didn't want to spend the money. So, figured the ones H had gotten me would probably fit, so I'd be ok.
The drive was uneventful. We did a quick stop for groceries. I spent maybe $25 for food, and didn't eat all of it. If nothing else, Bo and Linda make sure riders are well fed all weekend long.
I pull in to ride camp and have a decision to make. Park where I've parked the past 2 years? It's open, quiet, NO neighbors, and I can make my pen whatever size I want. BUT, it's far from the potties, and vet check, and it's in the sun with really no shade.
So, I camped in a new spot this year. As I'm pulling in, I see one of the Blazin' Belles already pulled in and set up, some buckets beside her camp, so I pull down past them, swing wide and pick my spot. It's a hike from VC, but near the potties AND gets my horse in the shade if I set him back far enough.
Off load and start setting up.
As always, quick and painless. I'm getting better and better at this part of the endurance process. The ground was harder than normal, so I had to hammer in my posts. Unusual, especially since A from the Blazin' Belles mentioned a brief storm had rolled through a little before I got there. Soften the ground? NOPE!! HARD!!!
As I'm getting established, a new lady pulls in next to me on the other side, and we get to chit chatting. Another new friend made!! Who actually happens to be friends with another Paso rider here in my region with a 100 miler Paso. COOL!!!
We get smacked with another brief storm (maybe 30 or so minutes), so I hang out in my trailer and read and relax. That's always nice!
We get vetted in around 5 or 6, prior to ride meeting. I really like to let my horse relax. Tank up on water and hay and I made Socks another slushy meal. As normal, he vets in with a lower HR than Strider ever seems to. *sigh* Arabs.
I try the bell boots on that H had bought me, realize they're so large, I fear rubs. Consider the Mueller tape I'd bought; discard that idea. Vet wrap? Nope, discard that idea too. The last few rides we'd done, he hadn't overreached, so maybe we're past that?
Any which way, I get settled in for the night after giving him some more electrolytes, another meal, and more fresh hay and I take just a moment to say good night before I turn in.
And realize, I've talked about my set up post "The Ride Which Shall Not Be Mentioned", but I've never really gotten good pictures of it at night.
Here's the quick breakdown.
I ordered a set of beta tack from "Trail Blazers Tack" off Facebook for Dakini in wine and reflective silver (I've shown it before on this blog).
I ordered indoor/outdoor "fairy lights" in 100 feet (came with a remote control even!) that I string up on my pen.
I bought some inexpensive solar lights that I stake/zip tie to all corners of my pen and then put sporadically on posts as well for additional light.
I USUALLY tie a glow stick to the halter overnight (for this ride, I forgot).
And I JUST bought battery operated bands to go around the pastern.
No, I don't play anymore. People think the lights are pretty, but they serve a few purposes on my fence. One, so that my horse can SEE the barrier at night. Two, so that any potential LOOSE horses can see the barrier at night. Three, to add one additional layer of "fencing" for my horses.
Glowstick on the halter. Light up high, so if they get loose, I stand a chance of seeing it.
Reflective? Shine a light on my horse, I can see them.
Battery operated bands? Again, lost, hopefully I'll see them, even if they ARE down low!
Lights on the pen at the corners? Again, to help ward off loose horses so they don't go crashing through my pen.
These were ALL ideas tossed about after that unfortunate incident, so I have put ALL of them to use in my camp.
And these photos are the end result.
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This is what it looks like without the flash on! |
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And a profile view of my pen. |
So, I set my alarm for 4 am to do another electrolyte dose, a little bit of beet pulp and I doze until about 6 for our 8 am start time.
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