Wednesday, May 06, 2015

The Endurance Riders Prayer

I know that I haven't finished my write-up for my second ride just yet...and as of today, I have just today and tomorrow before I pull out on Friday for our third (and last of the Spring season) ride, but someone posted this to the Facebook AERC page, and it perfectly sums up how I feel while preparing for a ride. 

The Endurance Riders Prayer
Dear LORD as I send in my ride entry today,
I pray that you watch over my horse and his health,
Like holy bubble wrap for his legs, spine, gut, face, eyes
And holy armor for my truck/trailer, with specific attention to
My truck and trailer tires, suspension, exhaust system, brakes, transmission,
pumps, buttons, brakes, flooring and lights, and any other important parts I may be
forgetting or unaware of that are likely equally as important.
Also LORD, please watch over all my endurance pals and help them to be equally as safe as they make their preparations for their own rides.
In your holy name,
-Elizabeth Ecklund

Each and every rider worries and frets over every little thing on their horse up to the minute the ride begins, then as we go down the trail(s) at our own speed, we fret about them taking a misstep or a stumble.  Will they pulse down quickly?  Will they be sound?  Will they vet check okay?

We're bundles of anxiety...except the siren's song of the trail, it calls to us. 

I have found a joy and purpose in my riding that has been lacking the past few years.  Casual trail riding no longer satiates me.  I want to ride for a purpose.  When I put my foot in the stirrup, I want to gently encourage my horse to stretch himself just a little bit more than the last time we went out. 

I absolutely adore being out on the trails.  Being out there and enjoying my ride with everyone else.

I am overwhelmed at the improvements I've seen in my horse.  No longer is he sour and annoyed when we ride.  He comes to see me when I pull in to the barn, as if to find out as soon as possible what new adventure I have planned. 

He walks out with purpose if we stay on the property at the barn, and walks away from the herd without an issue.  He's ready to go.  Water in the way?  Let's get through it, or around it, but it's not going to deter our ride.  Want me to cross that creek that's to his belly?  Okay, sure.  I'm ready, let's RIDE!!

My horse is so utterly and completely different from the horse I used to have that it's sheer joy to ride with him.  He still pushes himself, and I still worry.  But we enjoy our time together.

Oh Strider, may our trails together be ever filled with beauty.  May you stay ever sound and may you always enjoy our rides together. 

Together, my sweet, brave boy, we'll see many trails.  Make many new friends.  And enjoy our hours together.

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