A week off work does wonders to your motivation.
Like utter and complete decimation of any semblance of motivation.
We had a wonderful Christmas despite some hiccups the day of, and I even squeezed in a ride over the break.
Monday was spent running errands with A-man; doctor's appointment, Strait Music to drop off his horn, then last minute Christmas shopping and lunch.
Tuesday, Joe came home early since he wasn't feeling well, and I bolted off in the late afternoon to have Austin's car repaired (he's got my parent's old Honda Accord, which fell under the airbag recall). That whole thing was a fiasco in and of itself.
I called Friday the 19th on my way home, because I realized I'd called about this back in November after Thanksgiving, was told they'd call me when the part came in...and I never received a phone call.
After getting run around on the phone, I was told the original part had been shipped back since it'd been so long, but they'd re-order it and could I bring the car in on Monday? Uhm, late in the day I could. Made the appointment, and not 2 minutes later I get a call that the part won't be here Monday, could I just bring it in on Tuesday, anytime I wanted? Ugh. Fine. FINE. Way to underwhelm me, but fine. Let's just get this over with.
Suffice to say, walking in on Tuesday, I was already a wee bit annoyed with this whole affair. But, I happened to mention in passing that the driver's side seatbelt buckle didn't always catch....what would that cost, ball park, to have fixed?
Was told they'd look at it and get back to me.
As they finish the airbag repair, I'm told the seat belt buckle is a lifetime warranty by Honda. They'll get the part ordered, and it should be in within 48 hours. I give them extra time due to Christmas, so I call when I get to work today. Part's not in. It's on back order. They'll call when it comes in.
I'm not holding my breath. I'll call back on Friday.
Wednesday was nothing but being lazy around the house.
We did rent "The Interview" once Austin got home. It was awful, as was expected. But, whatever. Movie not even out in the theater and I was able to watch it from home? Got to admit, I like that.
As par tradition, I watched "Scrooge", the old black and white version with Alistair Sims. It's a remnant of my childhood. I dozed off during it, but it always takes me "home" and old traditions. I could practically quote the movie along with the characters, and I love that. I hope to share that with Kaylee as I've shared it with Austin.
Thursday was Christmas. Kaylee slept in until about 11 as did Austin. Josh was with his mom, so Joe went and got Nanny (his grandmother) and brought her to our house where we opened our family gifts. It was nice and quiet and I enjoyed it.
Austin got computer parts, which he was excited about. I didn't get Kaylee much (a little Disney train and a little stocking stuffer), but wrapped the gifts from her Aunt Meagan (my best friend) for her to "open".
After that, over to my sister's house to open more gifts, eat tasty food and just relax, then home again around 8 or 9.
Friday was a lazy day as it was raining.
Saturday, I did go to the barn with the plans of hauling to McKinney Roughs to ride with some new people. Rain shut down McKinney. Instead, one of the ladies hauled to the barn and we rode around the property, which was nice. I did get hooked on to the trailer by myself, but, between the wind and the rain and the cold, Socks refused to load. Poop. I'll post more about that later.
Sunday was spent tidying up and being lazy again. Missing the sun.
And, now it's Monday...back to work until Wednesday, where I leave work at noon for the year.
I hope everyone had a great holiday and got to spend it in whatever form or fashion makes your heart happiest.
Riding Goal: Trying to keep the horse between myself and the ground. Generally successful. Usually. Most of the time.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
It's not a matter of "if"...
...but "when". Especially if you live in Texas.
If you live in another state, you just THINK you know what allergies are. You don't. I promise you don't.
I love my home state, but, let's be real, it kind of wants to kill us all.
We have scorpions, rattle snakes, water moccasins, black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders and all other sorts of creepy crawlies that want you dead.
Then, add in all of the allergens, and BAM! You have a state that's painted a bulls eye on your head and is trying to hit the target.
I'm a native Texan. I was born here and have lived here for pretty much my entire life (excluding a few years in exile in Kansas, which sucked for SO many reasons).
I have never really experienced bad allergies. Some mild sniffling and sneezing in the spring and summer from freshly cut grass, but never have I ever had to deal with cedar allergies.
Hah. I am this year. And it's awful.
Let me show you how the cedar count has been this week:
Can you see that? That explains my misery which started Monday afternoon with a slightly sore throat, and escalated last night in to a throat that's so sore that it felt like needles were being stabbed in to it, which caused me to cough so much I was choking and close to vomiting. My eyes were watering so badly it was like I was crying. My nose is so congested that I only have 1 working nostril. And my headache...oh lords, my headache.
I'm not going to lie, my ability to breathe (or rather, lack of at this moment) is impacting my drive to get work done at work.
It's also impacting my drive to shop for Christmas.
So far, I've only gotten the boys their stocking stuffers. I resisted the urge to buy some for myself, because this stuff looks so freaking awesome!
I hadn't heard about this stuff until late last week, googled it, saw a video and said "That's so freaking cool! I've got to get some! It'll make the neatest stocking stuffer for the boys!"
Magnetic Thinking Putty Video
I can't wait until they get it so I can play with it.
However, much beyond buying the Thinking Putty, I haven't gotten anything else done. Well, I bought my Secret Santa gifts, and gifts for some of my coworkers (just not all of them, which I need to do tonight since I'm out of the office all week next week).
Then it's time to shop for my family. I'll get it done, it's just kind of stressful. Especially since I've put it off for so long.
Thank goodness for Amazon Prime! 2 day free shipping, YES PLEASE!!
And so, with that, it's time to get to work (or at least try to work), intersperse it with some shopping for family on Amazon, and try to get everything done I need to get done before tomorrow.
Now, here's hoping I can get motivated enough to make it happen!
If you live in another state, you just THINK you know what allergies are. You don't. I promise you don't.
I love my home state, but, let's be real, it kind of wants to kill us all.
We have scorpions, rattle snakes, water moccasins, black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders and all other sorts of creepy crawlies that want you dead.
Then, add in all of the allergens, and BAM! You have a state that's painted a bulls eye on your head and is trying to hit the target.
I'm a native Texan. I was born here and have lived here for pretty much my entire life (excluding a few years in exile in Kansas, which sucked for SO many reasons).
I have never really experienced bad allergies. Some mild sniffling and sneezing in the spring and summer from freshly cut grass, but never have I ever had to deal with cedar allergies.
Hah. I am this year. And it's awful.
Let me show you how the cedar count has been this week:
Can you see that? That explains my misery which started Monday afternoon with a slightly sore throat, and escalated last night in to a throat that's so sore that it felt like needles were being stabbed in to it, which caused me to cough so much I was choking and close to vomiting. My eyes were watering so badly it was like I was crying. My nose is so congested that I only have 1 working nostril. And my headache...oh lords, my headache.
I'm not going to lie, my ability to breathe (or rather, lack of at this moment) is impacting my drive to get work done at work.
It's also impacting my drive to shop for Christmas.
So far, I've only gotten the boys their stocking stuffers. I resisted the urge to buy some for myself, because this stuff looks so freaking awesome!
I hadn't heard about this stuff until late last week, googled it, saw a video and said "That's so freaking cool! I've got to get some! It'll make the neatest stocking stuffer for the boys!"
Magnetic Thinking Putty Video
I can't wait until they get it so I can play with it.
However, much beyond buying the Thinking Putty, I haven't gotten anything else done. Well, I bought my Secret Santa gifts, and gifts for some of my coworkers (just not all of them, which I need to do tonight since I'm out of the office all week next week).
Then it's time to shop for my family. I'll get it done, it's just kind of stressful. Especially since I've put it off for so long.
Thank goodness for Amazon Prime! 2 day free shipping, YES PLEASE!!
And so, with that, it's time to get to work (or at least try to work), intersperse it with some shopping for family on Amazon, and try to get everything done I need to get done before tomorrow.
Now, here's hoping I can get motivated enough to make it happen!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
'Tis the season
Every year at this time, it's customary to think of those who are less fortunate.
While we don't exactly live in the lap of luxury, neither do we have it as badly as others in our community, never mind how the 3rd world countries are.
Hands down, we are fortunate as a family. Not as fortunate as others, but still pretty blessed.
So, at this time of year, I always try to send money to at least one, sometimes more, organizations that help those in need.
One of my favorite charitable organizations is Heifer International.
I've given to them a few times, usually buying a flock of ducks, or honeybees. My goal is to someday purchase a llama, but that's down the road a little bit.
If you're unfamiliar with Heifer here's who they are and what they do:
Heifer International's mission is to work with communities to end world hunger and poverty and to care for the Earth.
How it Works
We empower families to turn hunger and poverty into hope and prosperity – but our approach is more than just giving them a handout. Heifer links communities and helps bring sustainable agriculture and commerce to areas with a long history of poverty. Our animals provide partners with both food and reliable income, as agricultural products such as milk, eggs and honey can be traded or sold at market.
When many families gain this new sustainable income, it brings new opportunities for building schools, creating agricultural cooperatives, forming community savings and funding small businesses.
Passing on the Gift
The core of our model is Passing on the Gift. This means families share the training they receive, and pass on the first female offspring of their livestock to another family. This extends the impact of the original gift, allowing a once impoverished family to become donors and full participants in improving their communities.
Heifer does more than just animals; they reach out through a variety of ways. Women's empowerment, clean water, veterinary care and more. It's an organization that, whenever I donate, I spend a few days imagining the positive change I've helped start for a family, and for their community. All for the cost of a meal here in the US.
Closer to home, and only around the holidays, I give to a local radio station's fund raiser:
JB and Sandy's Bikes for Kids
What I love is that this is a long-time Austin area fund raiser. It gives children who otherwise might get nothing for Christmas a brand new bike, helmet and a lock. Not a used bike, but a brand, spanking new one that isn't a hand-me-down. And the cost of the bike/helmet/lock all together? Only $190. Granted, I can't afford the whole kit, but I always give some and know that on Christmas Day, I've made a difference to a child in my own community. I've given them, not just a gift for one day, but a gift that will give for the rest of their lives. A gift that leads to independence and freedom and a sense of normalcy, like other children. A bike is such a huge milestone in a child's life, and I love being able to say I've helped, even if it's in some small way.
Every year I wish I had more money so I could give it to the organizations that have mission statements I can get behind. Be they local or international, making a difference to someone who needs the help makes me feel so good.
What are some of your favorite charities? I'm always looking for organizations to donate too, as I love to share and help, not just my fellow man, but animals as well. So, animal charities are worth telling me about too!
And, if you'll take just a moment during this holiday season, dig through your wallet, see if you don't have just $20 to share. Drop it in to a Salvation Army bucket. Snag a tag off an Angel Tree. Buy a gift and leave it in gift barrel. Find a local family and sponsor them. But please, pay your good fortune forward to someone else who may be in a situation that is unfortunate. Your gift could make a difference and truly lift them up.
And for my Jewish friends as today is the first day of Hanukkah:
While we don't exactly live in the lap of luxury, neither do we have it as badly as others in our community, never mind how the 3rd world countries are.
Hands down, we are fortunate as a family. Not as fortunate as others, but still pretty blessed.
So, at this time of year, I always try to send money to at least one, sometimes more, organizations that help those in need.
One of my favorite charitable organizations is Heifer International.
I've given to them a few times, usually buying a flock of ducks, or honeybees. My goal is to someday purchase a llama, but that's down the road a little bit.
If you're unfamiliar with Heifer here's who they are and what they do:
Heifer International's mission is to work with communities to end world hunger and poverty and to care for the Earth.
How it Works
We empower families to turn hunger and poverty into hope and prosperity – but our approach is more than just giving them a handout. Heifer links communities and helps bring sustainable agriculture and commerce to areas with a long history of poverty. Our animals provide partners with both food and reliable income, as agricultural products such as milk, eggs and honey can be traded or sold at market.
When many families gain this new sustainable income, it brings new opportunities for building schools, creating agricultural cooperatives, forming community savings and funding small businesses.
Passing on the Gift
The core of our model is Passing on the Gift. This means families share the training they receive, and pass on the first female offspring of their livestock to another family. This extends the impact of the original gift, allowing a once impoverished family to become donors and full participants in improving their communities.
Heifer does more than just animals; they reach out through a variety of ways. Women's empowerment, clean water, veterinary care and more. It's an organization that, whenever I donate, I spend a few days imagining the positive change I've helped start for a family, and for their community. All for the cost of a meal here in the US.
Closer to home, and only around the holidays, I give to a local radio station's fund raiser:
JB and Sandy's Bikes for Kids
What I love is that this is a long-time Austin area fund raiser. It gives children who otherwise might get nothing for Christmas a brand new bike, helmet and a lock. Not a used bike, but a brand, spanking new one that isn't a hand-me-down. And the cost of the bike/helmet/lock all together? Only $190. Granted, I can't afford the whole kit, but I always give some and know that on Christmas Day, I've made a difference to a child in my own community. I've given them, not just a gift for one day, but a gift that will give for the rest of their lives. A gift that leads to independence and freedom and a sense of normalcy, like other children. A bike is such a huge milestone in a child's life, and I love being able to say I've helped, even if it's in some small way.
Every year I wish I had more money so I could give it to the organizations that have mission statements I can get behind. Be they local or international, making a difference to someone who needs the help makes me feel so good.
What are some of your favorite charities? I'm always looking for organizations to donate too, as I love to share and help, not just my fellow man, but animals as well. So, animal charities are worth telling me about too!
And, if you'll take just a moment during this holiday season, dig through your wallet, see if you don't have just $20 to share. Drop it in to a Salvation Army bucket. Snag a tag off an Angel Tree. Buy a gift and leave it in gift barrel. Find a local family and sponsor them. But please, pay your good fortune forward to someone else who may be in a situation that is unfortunate. Your gift could make a difference and truly lift them up.
And for my Jewish friends as today is the first day of Hanukkah:
As you celebrate the Festival of Lights, may your home be bright with happiness and love. Best Wishes at Hanukkah!
Monday, December 15, 2014
Weekends are too short
No, really. I mean that. 2 days just never seems long enough to get everything done or see everyone I want to see.
Saturday we slept in some, or at least until Kaylee started stirring, which was around 9 or so. I needed to get to the post office to mail out my Secret Santa gifts, and Joe needed to get his textbooks returned through a UPS drop-site (just as an FYI, if you're in college, Amazon's textbook rental is AWESOME! This is the second semester we've done it for Joe, and we've decided this is how we'll continue to do it if the books are available to rent).
So, we quickly got ourselves ready, got Kaylee ready and headed out. 1 stop by the post office to find out their hours (and be horrified by the length of the line), 1 stop by the UPS drop-site (privately owned shipping store), 1 stop by Walgreen's (I wanted to send some candy with 1 of my Secret Santa gifts), back to the post office where I just bolted in, grabbed some priority boxes and then back out again, then BACK to the shipping store to send my last Secret Santa gift out.
Off to grab lunch; Schlotzsky's. Seriously, this is my favorite restaurant.
I've loved Schlotzsky's since I was young. Been a fan for 20+ years. And in those 20+ years, I've only ever had 1 sandwich. The Original. No onion. Want to make me happy? Bring me an Original. Not sure where I might like to eat? Scholotzsky's is ALWAYS a safe choice. Steak? Yeah, that's awesome, but it's not an Original.
Anyway, after lunch, off to buy groceries (ugh, I hate grocery shopping). Grab the boys some lunch, then unwind before heading off to a holiday party/game night at my BFF's in Leander. Josh wasn't feeling well, so he stayed at home while the rest of us went.
Took Kaylee who didn't do well. Too late in the evening, too many people, and the poor thing had a meltdown unless Daddy was holding her.
We didn't stay super late, though I know Austin was have a good time playing "Cards Against Humanity" and feeling like he was an adult. Always nice to see his goofy and playful and fun side shine through. I get angry teenager more often, so I cherish those times when angry teenager goes away and I get my fun-loving son back.
Sunday we slept in. I piddled around because at noon I was meeting some women in Luling.
I'll be honest; I'm painfully, horribly shy in person. So much so that meeting new people causes some serious anxiety for me. It's uncomfortable and I'll spend time coming up with reasons not to go, or things that just HAVE to be done right this very second. But, I'm trying to push myself outside of my comfort zone, and I need more people and friends that I can go trail riding with. And that's what this was; fellow lady trail riders. More specifically the "Central Texas Lady Trail Riders".
It was a nice meeting and getting to know some people. There were only 4 of us on Sunday, but I hope we'll grow slowly and have a few more additions. I want to trail ride off property more often, but Strider's not ready to go it solo, and sometimes not everyone at the barn can go when I'm free. And, while Socks is pretty steady, it's not necessarily a "fun" ride. Strider's a fun ride. Socks is a safe ride.
The rest of the day was spent just hanging around the house.
So, here I am, feeling unmotivated yet again. I've got to get over this end of the year blahs. Some money coming in will help alleviate some of my stress. Getting things cleared off my desk at work will help some as well. I'm hoping I'll be able to squeeze in some time out at the barn over the holiday break (assuming the weather plays nicely with me!).
I know I can't be the only person battling the holiday blues. Any ideas, tricks or tips to kick them to the curb? Especially with the sun setting so early, even going out for a walk with the dogs in the evenings after work doesn't work (I don't get home until between 5:30 and 6 most days). Looking for SOMETHING to help with these blahs!
Saturday we slept in some, or at least until Kaylee started stirring, which was around 9 or so. I needed to get to the post office to mail out my Secret Santa gifts, and Joe needed to get his textbooks returned through a UPS drop-site (just as an FYI, if you're in college, Amazon's textbook rental is AWESOME! This is the second semester we've done it for Joe, and we've decided this is how we'll continue to do it if the books are available to rent).
So, we quickly got ourselves ready, got Kaylee ready and headed out. 1 stop by the post office to find out their hours (and be horrified by the length of the line), 1 stop by the UPS drop-site (privately owned shipping store), 1 stop by Walgreen's (I wanted to send some candy with 1 of my Secret Santa gifts), back to the post office where I just bolted in, grabbed some priority boxes and then back out again, then BACK to the shipping store to send my last Secret Santa gift out.
Off to grab lunch; Schlotzsky's. Seriously, this is my favorite restaurant.
I've loved Schlotzsky's since I was young. Been a fan for 20+ years. And in those 20+ years, I've only ever had 1 sandwich. The Original. No onion. Want to make me happy? Bring me an Original. Not sure where I might like to eat? Scholotzsky's is ALWAYS a safe choice. Steak? Yeah, that's awesome, but it's not an Original.
Anyway, after lunch, off to buy groceries (ugh, I hate grocery shopping). Grab the boys some lunch, then unwind before heading off to a holiday party/game night at my BFF's in Leander. Josh wasn't feeling well, so he stayed at home while the rest of us went.
Took Kaylee who didn't do well. Too late in the evening, too many people, and the poor thing had a meltdown unless Daddy was holding her.
We didn't stay super late, though I know Austin was have a good time playing "Cards Against Humanity" and feeling like he was an adult. Always nice to see his goofy and playful and fun side shine through. I get angry teenager more often, so I cherish those times when angry teenager goes away and I get my fun-loving son back.
Sunday we slept in. I piddled around because at noon I was meeting some women in Luling.
I'll be honest; I'm painfully, horribly shy in person. So much so that meeting new people causes some serious anxiety for me. It's uncomfortable and I'll spend time coming up with reasons not to go, or things that just HAVE to be done right this very second. But, I'm trying to push myself outside of my comfort zone, and I need more people and friends that I can go trail riding with. And that's what this was; fellow lady trail riders. More specifically the "Central Texas Lady Trail Riders".
It was a nice meeting and getting to know some people. There were only 4 of us on Sunday, but I hope we'll grow slowly and have a few more additions. I want to trail ride off property more often, but Strider's not ready to go it solo, and sometimes not everyone at the barn can go when I'm free. And, while Socks is pretty steady, it's not necessarily a "fun" ride. Strider's a fun ride. Socks is a safe ride.
The rest of the day was spent just hanging around the house.
So, here I am, feeling unmotivated yet again. I've got to get over this end of the year blahs. Some money coming in will help alleviate some of my stress. Getting things cleared off my desk at work will help some as well. I'm hoping I'll be able to squeeze in some time out at the barn over the holiday break (assuming the weather plays nicely with me!).
I know I can't be the only person battling the holiday blues. Any ideas, tricks or tips to kick them to the curb? Especially with the sun setting so early, even going out for a walk with the dogs in the evenings after work doesn't work (I don't get home until between 5:30 and 6 most days). Looking for SOMETHING to help with these blahs!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Life happens
Feeling a little unmotivated today.
Let's call it the Holiday Blues. I always seem to get them; I suspect it's the stress of finding that perfect gift for everyone, and making sure you've covered all of your bases and gotten something for EVERYONE who potentially MIGHT get you something. And then, when someone you didn't anticipate getting you something, you have to scramble to get them something, adding to the stress.
I know I do this to myself. I need to find a way to somehow "Let it go! Let it Goooooo!!!!"
I blame some of my severe lack of motivation on not having to work yesterday. Our friend who watches Kaylee called on Wednesday evening to let us know her daughter was sick; potentially with the flu.
Okay then. Called mom who had a mid-afternoon commitment, but (surprise, surprise!) was available today to watch Kaylee.
So, I called out of work yesterday. It was so nice to sleep in again with my little girl. We got up at 10 so we could meet Daddy at the state capital for lunch, and then head over to my office so people could see her (again).
Networking through Facebook the past two days. Happened to stumble in to a group of local trail riders. And, since I'm notoriously shy, I made myself reach out. I figure, they're horsewomen. At least we've got that in common? Sounds like we're meeting for lunch on Sunday. This works since the weather's probably going to be bad on Sunday, so it's not like I'll miss riding time.
I was also upfront and honest that Strider's still a little green. My goal for 2015 is to send him to Holly or her son Douglas for at least another 30 days. He's good, but I know he can be better. I just lack the knowledge to get him there.
I mean, come on, he's really smart and he lacks fear (for the most part).
And then to decide what I really want to do with him. He's a great trail horse, and LOVES going new places and seeing new things. Competitive trail perhaps. I know he'd make a great endurance prospect or LD prospect; I just don't have the time to condition him (or myself).
As for Socks, I'm not quite sure his fate yet. I suspect ultimately he'll be Kaylee's mount. I'd like to look in to doing 4H for her. Then let her decide what direction she wants to go. We've got a few more years to go. And perhaps a REAL pony before we step up to the (super short) horse.
How can you not love that face?
Honestly, people have asked me how he ended up being such a good horse. Honestly, he still has some issues (tarps, for example, are death to horses...water is also to be avoided if at all possible), but really, he's so honest and really steady. I got SO very lucky with him.
Some day I'll go in to his 'back story' about how I ended up with him.
Truth be told, Socks and Strider are the only GOOD things that came out of my time with my ex-boyfriend. Well, that and some honesty with myself.
What about you? Break-ups, good or bad or amicable, what are some POSITIVE things you've left a relationship with?
Let's call it the Holiday Blues. I always seem to get them; I suspect it's the stress of finding that perfect gift for everyone, and making sure you've covered all of your bases and gotten something for EVERYONE who potentially MIGHT get you something. And then, when someone you didn't anticipate getting you something, you have to scramble to get them something, adding to the stress.
I know I do this to myself. I need to find a way to somehow "Let it go! Let it Goooooo!!!!"
I blame some of my severe lack of motivation on not having to work yesterday. Our friend who watches Kaylee called on Wednesday evening to let us know her daughter was sick; potentially with the flu.
Okay then. Called mom who had a mid-afternoon commitment, but (surprise, surprise!) was available today to watch Kaylee.
So, I called out of work yesterday. It was so nice to sleep in again with my little girl. We got up at 10 so we could meet Daddy at the state capital for lunch, and then head over to my office so people could see her (again).
Networking through Facebook the past two days. Happened to stumble in to a group of local trail riders. And, since I'm notoriously shy, I made myself reach out. I figure, they're horsewomen. At least we've got that in common? Sounds like we're meeting for lunch on Sunday. This works since the weather's probably going to be bad on Sunday, so it's not like I'll miss riding time.
I was also upfront and honest that Strider's still a little green. My goal for 2015 is to send him to Holly or her son Douglas for at least another 30 days. He's good, but I know he can be better. I just lack the knowledge to get him there.
I mean, come on, he's really smart and he lacks fear (for the most part).
And then to decide what I really want to do with him. He's a great trail horse, and LOVES going new places and seeing new things. Competitive trail perhaps. I know he'd make a great endurance prospect or LD prospect; I just don't have the time to condition him (or myself).
As for Socks, I'm not quite sure his fate yet. I suspect ultimately he'll be Kaylee's mount. I'd like to look in to doing 4H for her. Then let her decide what direction she wants to go. We've got a few more years to go. And perhaps a REAL pony before we step up to the (super short) horse.
How can you not love that face?
Honestly, people have asked me how he ended up being such a good horse. Honestly, he still has some issues (tarps, for example, are death to horses...water is also to be avoided if at all possible), but really, he's so honest and really steady. I got SO very lucky with him.
Some day I'll go in to his 'back story' about how I ended up with him.
Truth be told, Socks and Strider are the only GOOD things that came out of my time with my ex-boyfriend. Well, that and some honesty with myself.
What about you? Break-ups, good or bad or amicable, what are some POSITIVE things you've left a relationship with?
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Introductions are always a challenge...
It's been a LONG time since I last blogged. I was a regular blogger back when Livejournal was popular, if that tells you anything. You know, back before Facebook was the place to be.
Which is dating myself. Oh well.
Anyway, since I've been blog stalking the past few weeks, let me do an introduction.
Simply because I dislike reading new blogs myself and not knowing who all the "players" are and trying to puzzle it out as I read. I also dislike not knowing the "backstory", but, being realistic, I can't provide the backstory for EVERYTHING important in my life.
Over the next few days, I'll provide the "backstory" for those important people and animals and "things" in my life. That'll probably be interspersed with current events.
Emphasis on "probably". Heavy emphasis on "probably".
I'm Erin. As of today, I'm 37 years old.
Here's my cast of characters:
Those are all the main players.
I work for the State of Texas as an administrative assistant. I've been with my agency for 2 years.
For fun, outside of spending time with the family, I trail ride my horses, or ride with my husband on his Harley.
I'm an avid reader and I love movies (don't most people say those things though?).
My favorite books:
The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah - Richard Bach
The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle
That might give you some insight as to what I like to read, so there's some insight in to who I am.
So, what about you? What are some of your favorite books or movies? Your "Go To" faves? I'm always on the hunt for new things to love!
Which is dating myself. Oh well.
Anyway, since I've been blog stalking the past few weeks, let me do an introduction.
Simply because I dislike reading new blogs myself and not knowing who all the "players" are and trying to puzzle it out as I read. I also dislike not knowing the "backstory", but, being realistic, I can't provide the backstory for EVERYTHING important in my life.
Over the next few days, I'll provide the "backstory" for those important people and animals and "things" in my life. That'll probably be interspersed with current events.
Emphasis on "probably". Heavy emphasis on "probably".
I'm Erin. As of today, I'm 37 years old.
Here's my cast of characters:
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Joe (my husband; we've been married for 1 year) |
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Austin (my 16 year old son, and I usually refer to him as "A") |
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Josh (my 12 year old step-son) |
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Kaylee (my newborn daughter, and I currently refer to her as Kaylee-bear) |
The animals:
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Shadow (my husband's dog who is a black-lab mix) Pancho Villa (my dog who is a Dachshund) |
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Shane (my cat) |
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Snickerdoodles (my cat who I have a multitude of names for; Doods, Poods, Poodler primarily) |
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Lazarro (Austin's Leopard Gecko) |
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Chili (Austin's Bearded Dragon) |
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Socks (my Arabian, registered name "El Sidar") |
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Strider (my Paso Fino, registered name "MGA's Fuerte del Energia") |
Those are all the main players.
I work for the State of Texas as an administrative assistant. I've been with my agency for 2 years.
For fun, outside of spending time with the family, I trail ride my horses, or ride with my husband on his Harley.
I'm an avid reader and I love movies (don't most people say those things though?).
My favorite books:
The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah - Richard Bach
The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle
That might give you some insight as to what I like to read, so there's some insight in to who I am.
So, what about you? What are some of your favorite books or movies? Your "Go To" faves? I'm always on the hunt for new things to love!
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