Thursday, January 26, 2017

In the aftermath....

So, as I mentioned, River Run was a mixed bag of more bad than good for Team PasoPower.

I also mentioned I put it out there that I didn't have a good weekend and questioned my sanity.

Had a friend suggest we come up and try an ETS event the second weekend of February.  Talked to Joe about it, and he's game. 

We shall bomb and fail in a most spectacular fashion as I drag Dakini (assuming she is well and didn't stone bruise) and Socks to the event.  We may or may not stay overnight; we haven't decided yet, but we know we will ride on Saturday and see how we do.

Which means I need to find time to clean out the trailer (I kind of just threw everything in there Sunday so I could leave), make sure to go grab a bale of hay and a bale of alfalfa (I like having some to give to them in the trailer) and find a saddle Joe can use with Dakini.  OH, and make sure I have a headstall and hackamore she can use. 

So, a little bit of cross-sport for us.  I've always told Joe I felt that ETS or competitive trail competitions is something that he CAN do without being in the saddle for hours at a time like I do AND he would enjoy it.

Guess this means I need to dig out my training tools and get back to work on teaching my horses how to DO things besides "Rate down the trail" and "Go through the most basic of obstacles."

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Emails to the PFHA Executive Committee

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